NAAC - Criterion Wise Data

Criterion 1:

Curricular Planning and Implementation

  1. SOP for Online Teaching-Learning Process - Link to document
  2. SOP for Teaching Learning Process - Link to document
  3. SOP for Continuous Internal Assessment - Link to document
  4. Academic Calenders - Link to document
  5. Time Tables - Link to document
  6. Annual curricular plans, teaching diaries - Link to document
  7. Teaching Learning Process records - Link to document
  8. Continuous Internal Assessment records - Link to document
  9. Faculty development programs for effective curriculum delivery - Link to document
  10. Feedback on curriculum - Link to webpage

Certificate Courses

  1. List of Certificate / Online Courses - Link to document
  2. Syllabus, brochures, attendance - Link to document
  3. Evidences of course completion / Model certificates - Link to document


Institution integrates crosscutting issues in transacting the Curriculum

  1. Faculty development for integration of crosscutting issues - Link to document
  2. NCC cadets– Human values, Environment sustainability, Social responsibility, National integration through enrolling in NCC, attending camps and securing B, C certificates – Link to document
  3. Curriculum for Human Values and professional ethics, Environment education, Environment audit, Solar energy, Dairy Techniques, Poultry Farming, etc. – Link to document
  4. Celebration of important days – Link to document
  5. Clean and green activities – Link to document
  6. Certificate courses – Link to document
  7. Gender equality and sensitization programs - WEC-activities – Link to document

Internships / Field Works / Project Works

  1. List of students undergoing Long-term Internships 2023-24
  2. List of students undergoing Short-term Internships 2023-24
  3. Evaluation of Long-term Internships and Viva-voce order S.V. University
  4. Certificates of completion of Long-term Internships 2023-24 
  5. SOP of Community Service Project
  6. List of students undergoing Community Service Projects 2023-24

Feedback System

Link to feedback page


Criterion 2:

Student Enrolment and Profile

  1. Reservation of seats - Link to document
  2. Student enrolment

Teaching-Learning Process

  1. Student centric methods 
  2. TLP app
  3. TLP records
  4. ICT tools used

Teacher Profile and Quality

List of full time teachers with qualification and experience details

Evaluation Process and Reforms

  1. Mechanism of internal assessment - Link to SOP of Continuous Internal Assessment
  2. External assessment
  3. Grievances redressal mechanism

Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

  1. Program outcomes - Link to web page
  2. Course outcomes - Link to web page
  3. Program specific outcomes - Link to web page
  4. Attainment of POs & COs - Link to web page
  5. Student pass percentage

Criterion 3:

Innovative ecosystem

  1. Ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System
  2. Seminars / workshops conducted including IPR, Research methodology, entrepreneurship, etc.
  3. ICSSR National Seminar
  4. Research publications - Link to File
  5. Books / chapters / conference proceedings

Extension activities

  1. List of extension activities year wise
  2. Outcomes of extension activities
  3. Awards / recognitions


  1. Functional industrial MoUs
  2. Functional academic linkages
  3. Collaborative research

Criterion 4:

Infrastructural facilities

Expenditure on Academic, Physical & Infrastructure facilities

Auduted expenditure statement


Computers on the Campus: 165 - Link to stock register and bills


Criterion 6:

Institutional Vision and Leadership

  1. NEP Implementation
  2. Decentralization
  3. Sustained institutional growth
  4. Participation in institutional governance

Strategic Development and Deployment

  1.  Institutional perspective plan
  2. Administrative setup
  3. Appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff
  4. Service rules
  5. e-governance

Faculty Empowerment Strategies

  1. Performance appraisal system
  2. Welfare measures
  3. Career advancement scheme
  4. Financial support to attend FDPs/ToTs/Conferences
  5. Faculty development programs

Financial Mangament and Resource Mobilization

  1. Mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds
  2. Financial audit

Internal Quality Assurance System

  1. Contributions of IQAC for quality sustenance & enhancement
  2. NIRF Reports
  3. ISO certification
  4. Academic and Administrative Audit Reports
  5. Collaborative activities
  6. IQAC minutes and action taken reports

Criterion 7:

Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

  1. Gender equity sensitization in curricular activities - Link to document
  2. Gender equity sensitization in co-curricular and extra curricular activities - Link to document
  3. Internal complaint cell
  4. Alternative sources of energy
  5. Water conservation
  6. Green campus initiatives
  7. Management of wastes
  8. Facilities to physically challenged
  9. Beyond the campus environmental promotion
  10. Inititatives of inclusive environment
  11. Best practices of the institution