NAAC - Criterion Wise Data
Criterion 1:
Curricular Planning and Implementation
SOP for Online Teaching-Learning Process - Link to document
- SOP for Teaching Learning Process - Link to document
- SOP for Continuous Internal Assessment - Link to document
- Academic Calenders - Link to document
- Time Tables - Link to document
- Annual curricular plans, teaching diaries - Link to document
- Teaching Learning Process records - Link to document
- Continuous Internal Assessment records - Link to document
- Faculty development programs for effective curriculum delivery - Link to document
- Feedback on curriculum - Link to webpage
Certificate Courses
- List of Certificate / Online Courses - Link to document
- Syllabus, brochures, attendance - Link to document
- Evidences of course completion / Model certificates - Link to document
Institution integrates crosscutting issues in transacting the Curriculum
- Faculty development for integration of crosscutting issues - Link to document
- NCC cadets– Human values, Environment sustainability, Social responsibility, National integration through enrolling in NCC, attending camps and securing B, C certificates – Link to document
- Curriculum for Human Values and professional ethics, Environment education, Environment audit, Solar energy, Dairy Techniques, Poultry Farming, etc. – Link to document
- Celebration of important days – Link to document
- Clean and green activities – Link to document
- Certificate courses – Link to document
- Gender equality and sensitization programs - WEC-activities – Link to document
Internships / Field Works / Project Works
- List of students undergoing Long-term Internships 2023-24
- List of students undergoing Short-term Internships 2023-24
- Evaluation of Long-term Internships and Viva-voce order S.V. University
- Certificates of completion of Long-term Internships 2023-24
- SOP of Community Service Project
- List of students undergoing Community Service Projects 2023-24
Feedback System
Criterion 2:
Student Enrolment and Profile
- Reservation of seats - Link to document
- Student enrolment
Teaching-Learning Process
Student centric methods
TLP app
TLP records
ICT tools used
Teacher Profile and Quality
List of full time teachers with qualification and experience details
Evaluation Process and Reforms
- Mechanism of internal assessment - Link to SOP of Continuous Internal Assessment
- External assessment
- Grievances redressal mechanism
Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
- Program outcomes - Link to web page
- Course outcomes - Link to web page
- Program specific outcomes - Link to web page
- Attainment of POs & COs - Link to web page
- Student pass percentage
Criterion 3:
Innovative ecosystem
Ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System
Seminars / workshops conducted including IPR, Research methodology, entrepreneurship, etc.
- ICSSR National Seminar
Research publications - Link to File
- Books / chapters / conference proceedings
Extension activities
- List of extension activities year wise
- Outcomes of extension activities
- Awards / recognitions
Functional industrial MoUs
Functional academic linkages
- Collaborative research
Criterion 4:
Infrastructural facilities
Expenditure on Academic, Physical & Infrastructure facilities
Computers on the Campus: 165 - Link to stock register and bills
Criterion 6:
Institutional Vision and Leadership
NEP Implementation
Sustained institutional growth
Participation in institutional governance
Strategic Development and Deployment
Institutional perspective plan
Administrative setup
Appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff
Service rules
- e-governance
Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- Performance appraisal system
- Welfare measures
Career advancement scheme
- Financial support to attend FDPs/ToTs/Conferences
- Faculty development programs
Financial Mangament and Resource Mobilization
Mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds
Financial audit
Internal Quality Assurance System
- Contributions of IQAC for quality sustenance & enhancement
NIRF Reports
- ISO certification
Academic and Administrative Audit Reports
- Collaborative activities
- IQAC minutes and action taken reports
Criterion 7:
Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
- Gender equity sensitization in curricular activities - Link to document
- Gender equity sensitization in co-curricular and extra curricular activities - Link to document
- Internal complaint cell
Alternative sources of energy
Water conservation
Green campus initiatives
Management of wastes
Facilities to physically challenged
Beyond the campus environmental promotion
Inititatives of inclusive environment
- Best practices of the institution