- To create a strong platform to the students to perform their best
- The department of statistics provides updated knowledge at par with global needs to meet the ever changing challenges.
- To gain prominence as one among the top institutions of the world
- We set a bench mark to be followed by others in terms of academic curriculum
- To create such a reputation where every aspirant of learning statistics as our institute is their first option.
- To enable the student to be fully equipped with high level learning
- To create a research oriented atmosphere to make the students to strengthen the learning process
- To provide profound knowledge of statistics we equip our library with required material like renowned journals reference books and digital equipment.
- To train our students to have their services in world renowned organizations like IMF RBI and world bank.
- To impart external knowledge apart from the regular core curriculum to sustain in the ever-changing social norms.
Facilities of the Department
- Departmental Library
- Computer with internet facility
- Scientific Calculatos
- Statistical Tables
- LMS Content available
- Previous Question papers for PG entrance
- Material for Jobs in Statistics
Program Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students are expected to: Acquire knowledge of statistics and its scope and importance in various
areas such as Medical,Engineering, Agricultural and Social Science, Finance etc. Information about various Statistical Organizations in India and their functions for societal developments.
Knowledge of various types of data, their organization and evaluation of summary measures such as measures of central tendency and dispersion, etc.
Insights into preliminary exploration of different types of data
Program offered by the Department-2021-22
Program Name |
Sanctioned Strength |
Annual Strength |
I BSc., MSCs |
30 |
28 |
II BSc., MSCs |
30 |
30 |
III BSc., MSCs |
30 |
20 |
Department Faculty:
Dr . Kousar Jaha Begam,
Assistant Professor
Educational History:
- Worked as a Teaching Assistant,Andhra University Visakhapatnam 2010.
- Ph.D., Andhra University Visakhapatnam 2007.
- M.Phil, Andhra University Visakhapatnam 1998.
- M.Sc., Statistics 1994 .
- One Minor Research Projects completed (UGC)
- One National Seminar Organization (UGC)
- 8 Research Papers published in National Inter National Jornals.
- 24 Seminars/Workshops attend
Committe Member
• Inclusive Centre- Convener
• Class Work Conducting and Adjustment - Member
• Women Empowerment - Member
• Anti-Ragging- Member
• JKC & TISS-member
• DRC -member
• Saturday Activity-member
• Sexual harassment cell-member
• Time Table-member
• ISO Certification-member
Assistant Professor
Educational History:
- Ph.D ., S.V.University, Tirupati, A.P , 2005
- M.Sc., (Statistics), S.V.University, Tirupati, A.P, 1994.
- 1 Specification and Estimation of Nonlinear Models
2 Sample Moments Tests for Normality of Errors in Linear Statistical Models
3 Tests for Auto correlation using Studentized Resaiduals
4 Estimation of Non-Linear Regression Model with Auto correlated Disturbances
5 Modified Box-Jenkins Methodology for Forecasting”
6 A Model selection criterion for non-liner regression”.
7 Some Alternative Tests forHheteroscedasticity using studentized & predicted residnals.”
8 Forecasting Modals of Jowar Production in Andhra Pradesh Usting Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)”
9 Prediction of Sugarcane Yield production using Growth modls in Andhra Pradesh
10 Auto Regressive (AR) Models in Forecasting
11 Muticollinearity Problem in Criteria of Model Selection
12 Multicollinearity Problem and Some Hypothetical
Tests in Regression Model
13 Artificial Neural Network Model of Chillis Production in Andhra Pradesh
14 Forecasting the Yield of Sunflower oil seed in A.P using ARIMA Model
15 A Comparison of ARIMA & ANN Models for Production of Wheat in the state of Karnataka
16 A Comparison of ARIMA & ANN Models for Production of Rice in the state of Karnataka